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What is AdSense RPM-Best Ways to Increase Adsense RPM in Hindi

Friends, if you work on any website, then you will know about Google AdSense, Google AdSense is the biggest advertisement platform in the internet world. Most of the world’s advertisers and publishers use this only.

If you have AdSense Account then you must have seen RPM. AdSense RPM is also visible where our Earning is displayed. If you do not know about it, then you have come to the right place because today we are going to discuss what is AdSense RPM in this post. And how can we increase AdSense RPM.

What is AdSense Page RPM?

The full form of Rpm is Revenue Per Mile. AdSense Rpm shows us how much Online Earning we will get on 1000 page views or Impressions. There are two types of AdSense RPM.

Page RPM

With the help of Page RPM, we can find out how much we are going to earn on 1000 page views.

RPM = Total Earnings By Page Views ÷ Total No. Of Page Views × 1000


For example, 50 views have come on our website. And Earning is showing $0.30 then you have ($0.30/50)× 1000 = $6.00. In this way you can get your AdSense RPM.

Impressions RPM

Impression RPM is a metric per thousand impressions of the ads served on your page.

How to increase AdSense RPM?

It is very important to have our website for doing online earning, through this post we will know how we can increase our website.

Place Ad Below Post Title

Under this, you have to take care of your Post Title, just below the Post Title, Google AdSense Ads have to be placed. Because when a Yoser visits our website, he reads the Title Visit and will definitely see the Ads under the Title and the chances of clicking on the Ade increase. Due to which your Online Earning increases.

Get Traffic From Google

You must have seen that most of the people in their post

We share on Whatsapp, Facebook and other social networks and bring traffic from there because of that RPM decreases, we should keep in mind that more and more traffic should be brought from Google Search Engine, this will increase our RPM and our online earning will also increase.

Rank Your Blog In Foreign Countries

If our website starts ranking in foreign countries instead of India. Our Earning increases, we get 1000 views and 10 or 12 clicks, then we get $ 1 on one click, then we can easily earn $ 10 to $ 12 dollars. For this reason, make maximum efforts to get traffic related to foreign countries.

Ads Placement & Ads Type

Under this, we have to keep in mind that where our Google Ads should be displayed and what is the type of Google Ads. One ad just below the title and that too of Banner Type and the other ad should be placed at the end of the article. Put the third ad in the right side bar of the site page, put the fourth ad in the middle of the post, its type should be of Article Type.

Use Responsive Ads

What most people do is that they put Custom Ads but do not use Responsive Ads. When you create Google Ads, choose Responsive Ads in it. It is beneficial that when someone opens your blog on mobile, then ads will appear accordingly and when someone visits the blog on laptop or computer, then ads will appear accordingly.

Do Not Use Too Many Ads

We have often seen that most people put a lot of ads on their website to earn more. This is the biggest mistake. Because the user comes and opens your blog, then due to more ads, he does not read your post and leaves your blog, due to which both your CPC and RPM decrease, so that the click is far away, your earning will be nothing.


provide your experience

If a visitor comes to your website, then he does not get influenced by the advertisement or information, the visitor comes to read the post you have made, if you mix your experiences in it, then the visitor will read your post with full attention and will be more engaged. This will increase your RPM as well as increase in Online Earning.

Decrease Bounce Rate

The question must be coming in your mind that what is Bounce Rate when you go to a website and the time you stay there is called bounce rate, what happens in this is that whenever a visitor comes to your blog and he stays on your blog for 10 or 15 seconds and goes away, it increases your bounce rate so that Google thinks that the content on it is not good, so that it reduces the ranking, if you want to reduce the bounce rate, then write good content. So that the user can stop and your ranking can increase, if the ranking increases, then AdSense RPM will also increase and cpc will also increase, so that your earning will also be good.